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Welcome to the Armor section! Hear a little explanation on the table fields why don't you:
· Name: Armor's name;
· AC: Armor's base Armor Class (if any);
· Special: Armor's special properties (if any);
· THAC0: Armor's THAC0 (To Hit Armor Class 0) bonus (if any);
· Weight: Armor's weight (when a table doesn't have this field, it means that all pieces of armor from that table are weightless);
· Usable by: Characters who can use the armor;
· Location: Armor's location. Only the rare/unique/important pieces of armor locations are listed.
That's it, enjoy.

Body Armor


Body Armor

 Name   AC   Special   Weight   Usable by   Location 
Annah's Vest 8 --- 10 Annah Annah's personal armor
Bodice of the Godless Priest 5 Memorize 3 Additional 1st Level Priest Spells, Memorize 2 Additional 2nd level Priest Spells 5 Fall-From-Grace Buy from Gon�alves (Tailor Shop, Clerk's Ward)
Bodice of the Perilous Quest 5 Increases Regeneration 6 Fall-From-Grace Buy from Gon�alves (Tailor Shop, Clerk's Ward)
Dak'kon's Zerth Armor 5 --- 25 Dak'kon Dak'kon's personal armor
Dustman Robes --- Disguises user as a Dustman, Usable only in the Mortuary 5 Nameless One Mortuary (Most Dustmen inside it have one)
Fall-From-Grace's Chastity Bodice 5 --- 5 Fall-From-Grace Fall-From-Grace's personal armor
Jerkin of the Brazen Rogue 6 +1 THAC0 12 Annah Buy from Gon�alves (Tailor Shop, Clerk's Ward)
Jerkin of the Flitting Shadow 6 +15% Pick Pocket Skill Bonus, +25% Stealth Skill Bonus 8 Annah Buy from Gon�alves (Tailor Shop, Clerk's Ward)
Lower Planes Vermin Armor* 5 --- 10 Annah ---
Vhailor's Mercykiller Armor 2 --- 75 Vhailor Vhailor's personal armor



 Name   AC   Special   Weight   Usable by   Location 
Bell's Shield --- +3 Wisdom, +25% Magic Resistance, Memorize 1 Additional 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Level Priest Spell 0 Fall-From-Grace Random treasure dropped by Greater Glabrezu after you've returned from Carceri (Undersigil, Clerk's Ward)
Bronze Bracelet --- --- 0 All ---
Dread Bond --- Immunity to Panic, +1 Strength 3 Fighters and living creatures Buy from Vrischika (Clerk's Ward) or Inside a barrel in the Curst Underground
Gold Bracelet --- --- 0 All ---
Intestinal Phylactery --- Invokes: "Heal", +9 HP, +2 AC 2 Living Creatures Get from Ravel (Ravel's Maze)
Magus Guard 6 --- 2 Mages Loot from Strahan Runeshadow (Mausoleum, NorthEast Hive) or buy from Aalek (Lower Ward Marketplace)
Magus Shield 4 --- 2 Mages Buy from Aalek (Lower Ward Marketplace) or inside a crate in Carceri's Warehouse
Silver Bracelet --- --- 1 All ---
Spider Bracelet --- +25% Resistance to all Normal Attacks, +10 HP, -1 Intelligence, -1 Wisdom 0 Thieves Buy from Aalek (Lower Ward Marketplace) or buy from Vrischika (Clerk's Ward)
Tarnished Silver Bracelet --- --- 1 All ---



 Name   Special   Usable by   Location 
Amber Earrings +2 AC, Memorize 2 Additional 1st Level Mage Spells Nameless One (Mage) Get from Mebbeth after you learn the art from her (Ragpicker's Square)
Anarchist Earring #1 +1 Charisma Nameless One Buy from Conall once you join the Anarchist faction (Lower Ward Warehouse)
Anarchist Earring #2 Invokes: "Blindness" Nameless One Buy from Conall once you join the Anarchist faction (Lower Ward Warehouse)
Anarchist Earring #3 Immunity to Panic Nameless One Buy from Conall once you join the Anarchist faction (Lower Ward Warehouse)
Anarchist Earring #4 Invokes: "Pacify" Nameless One Buy from Conall once you join the Anarchist faction (Lower Ward Warehouse)
Ancient Copper Earring (Closed) --- All Inside a desk in the second floor of the Mortuary
Ancient Copper Earring (Hollow) --- All Learn with zombie on the third floor of the Mortuary how to open the closed Ancient Copper Earring.
Chained-Teeth Earrings +5% Open Locks Skill Bonus Thieves Annah's initial earrings.
Copper Earring --- All ---
Crimson Sphere Earring +10% Resistance to Fire, +5% Resistance to Magical Fire All but Ignus Buy from Brokah or Miccah (Pawnshop, Lower Ward) or find inside a coffin in the Undersigil (Clerk's Ward)
Dustman Earring +30% Resistance to Cold, Magical Cold, Fire and Magical Fire, +2 Saving Throw vs. Death Magic Dustmen Buy from Emoric once you join the Dustmen faction (Gathering Dust Bar, NorthEast Hive)
Fall-From-Grace's Earrings +1 to All Saving Throws, +5% Resistance to Magic Females Fall-From-Grace's initial earrings
Gold Earring --- All ---
Indept Earring* +1 AC, +1 to All Saving Throws, +1 to Save vs. Spells, Immunity to Confusion Indepts ---
Obsidian Earring +10% Stealth Skill Bonus Thieves Get from Nestor in the Flophouse (NorthWest Hive) after retrieving his fork
Rule-of-Three Earring Minor Copper Blessing All Get from zombie #1201 in the second floor of the Mortuary
Silver Earring --- All ---
Silver Earring (with Sensate's picture) --- All Get from Drunken Harlot (SouthEast Hive)
Stinger Earring +2 AC, +2 AC vs. Piercing Attacks All ---



 Name   THAC0   Special   Usable by   Location 
Angle-Less Eye +1 +1 AC vs. Missile Attacks, -1 AC vs. Crushing Attacks, +10% Detect Traps Skill Bonus Nameless One Buy from Quint (Buried Village), or find inside a bookcase in Pharod's Vault, or buy from Vrischika (Clerk's Ward)
Eyeball --- --- Nameless One Nameless One's initial eye
Eye of Vecna --- Doubles all 1st Level Mage Spells, Doubles all 2nd Level Mage Spells, +35% Resistance to Magic, +4 Save vs. Death Magic, -3 Wisdom, -3 Intelligence Nameless One Random treasure dropped by Greater Glabrezu after you've returned from Carceri (Undersigil, Clerk's Ward)
Glass Eye -1 -1 to Damage with All Attacks Nameless One ---
Kaleidoscopic Eye --- Invokes: "Chromatic Orb" when held, +1 to All Saving Throws, +1 to Save vs. Spells, +5% Resistance to Magic Nameless One (of Good align) Get from Iannis when you ask him for your legacy (Advocate Building, Clerk's Ward)
The Fiendish Eye of Kalem'Darr --- +2 Charisma, +5% Resistance to Fire, Magical Fire, Gas Attacks, Cold, Magical Cold, -1 Wisdom Nameless One Loot from Ravel's body (Ravel's Maze)



 Name   THAC0   Special   Usable by   Location 
Beer Googles (Cursed) -1 Intoxicates Wearer, Immunity to Panic, -1 to Damage, +10 HP Modrons Buy from Vrischika (Clerk's Ward) or random treasure dropped by constructs in the Modron's Maze (Rubikon)
Lens of Confounding --- +2 AC Modrons Random treasure dropped by constructs in the Modron's Maze (Rubikon)
Lens of Inherent Viciousness +2 +2 to Damage Modrons Buy from Vrischika (Clerk's Ward) or random treasure dropped by constructs in the Modron's Maze (Rubikon)
Lens of Perspicacity +1 +1 to Damage, +1 Save vs. Spells, +3 to Lore Skill Modrons Random treasure dropped by constructs in the Modron's Maze (Rubikon)
Lens of Seeing Double -2 +8 to Damage Modrons Random treasure dropped by constructs in the Modron's Maze (Rubikon)
Lens of the Bat (Cursed) -4 Induces "Blindness", -4 to Damage Modrons Random treasure dropped by constructs in the Modron's Maze (Rubikon)
Lens of the Horizon +5 -50 to Lore Skill Modrons Random treasure dropped by constructs in the Modron's Maze (Rubikon)
Magnifying Lens -2 +10 to Lore Skill, -2 to Damage Modrons Buy from Vrischika (Clerk's Ward) or random treasure dropped by constructs in the Modron's Maze (Rubikon) or in a bookshelf in the Undersigil (Clerk's Ward)
Nordom's Ocular +1 --- Modrons Nordom's initial lens
"Optix" (Cursed) +2 Invokes: "Knock", +2 to Damage, +15% Critical Hit Chance, +1 Luck Modrons Random treasure dropped by constructs in the Modron's Maze (Rubikon)
Retractable Scope +2 +1 to Damage Modrons Random treasure dropped by constructs in the Modron's Maze (Rubikon)
Stealth Lens --- Phases Wearer, +4 AC, +2 AC vs. Missile Weapons, +2 to All Saving Throws, +50% Resistance to Missile Weapons Modrons Random treasure dropped by constructs in the Modron's Maze (Rubikon)
Time's Eyepiece +3 +2 AC, +2 AC vs. Missile Weapons Modrons Random treasure dropped by constructs in the Modron's Maze (Rubikon)



 Name   Special   Usable by   Location 
Adahn's Ring --- All Ring you get from Adahn (Smoldering Corpse Bar)
Aegis of Torment +3 Constitution, +15 HP, +3 AC All Loot from "Fiend From Moridor's Box" if you had Aola release it (Curst Gone) or random treasure dropped by Greater Glabrezu after you've returned from Carceri (Undersigil, Clerk's Ward)
Deionarra's Wedding Ring +1 to All Saving Throws, +1 AC, +3 AC vs. Piercing Nameless One Get from Iannis when you ask him for Deionarra's legacy (Advocate Building, Clerk's Ward)
Deionarra's Wedding Ring (Upgraded) +3 to All Saving Throws, +3 AC, +3 AC vs. Piercing Nameless One Take the ring with you to the Fortress of Regrets and talk to Deionarra
Displacer Ring +2 AC All Behind the man being beaten up by the guards (Outer Curst)
Gehraise's Ring +3 to Save vs. Poison All Get from Annah in Pharod's Court if you ask her to give back what she took from you when she found your body (Buried Village)
Gold Ring --- All ---
Mempa's Biting Ring (Cursed) +2 AC All Get from "Marrow Fiend" (Ragpicker's Square)
Ring of the Fallen Stars Invokes: "Meteor Storm Bombardment" All Inside a barrel in Curst's underground
Ring of the Traveler +1 AC All ---
Ring of Thex +20 HP, +4 AC, +2 to All Saving Throws Mages Get by using the Wish Scroll found in Carceri's Warehouse
Ring Zero +3 AC, +3 Intelligence, Memorize 1 Additional 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th Level Mage Spell Mages Random treasure dropped by Greater Glabrezu after you've returned from Carceri (Undersigil, Clerk's Ward)
Serpent Ring Immune to Poison, +33% Resistance to Magic, +2 Save vs Spells Thieves Buy from Aalek (Lower Ward Marketplace) or inside a crate in Inner Curst
Silver Ring --- All ---
Twisted Ring +1 AC All Inside Nameless One's stomach, have Marta dig it out (Buried Village)
Yevrah's Ring of Almost Invisibility +1 AC All Buy from Vrischika's exotic item selection (Clerk's Ward)


* - The items marked with this symbol were taken from the game in the official release of Planescape: Torment.

(c)2006 All materials are copyrighted by their respective authors. All games mentioned in this site are copyrighted by their respective producers and publishers. No infringement on any existing copyright is intended. All rights reserved.